19 OCTOBER 1895, page 2

A Saddening Story Was Told At The Meeting Of The

Anti- Slavery Society on Monday. It is perfectly clear that our officers in Zanzibar, like our officers formerly in the West Indies, have shrank from dealing firmly with the......

On Monday Sir Charles Dilke Delivered A Speech On Egypt

at the Markham Mutual Improvement Society in Chelsea. Referring to the subject of arbitration, he expressed very grave doubts as to its applicability to our disputes with......

The Pall Mall Gazette Of Monday Contained A Statement By

Dr. Michaux, the only European present when Mr. Stokes was sentenced to death, which is almost final as to the guilt of Captain Lothaire. That officer executed a native chief......

The Times Of Thursday Gives A Detailed And Apparently...

account of the dispute between this country and Venezuela. That dispute has been carried on for a hundred years, and without result. It is difficult to put the matter shortly......

We Should Like Exceedingly To Know What Prince Lobanolt...

intended by his speeches to M. de Blowitz, reported in the Times of Saturday. They have given such profound umbrage, either to St. Petersburg or Paris, that the Agence Busse has......

It Is Stated On Authority That King Leopold Of Belgium

denies that he has offered the Congo State to France, or ever thought of doing so. He intends to go on with his experiment. Possibly ; but he did publicly offer the State to......

The Question Of Candidates For The Presidency Is Already...

to agitate the American politician. If any man who would accept a nomination must be considered a candi- date for nomination—as he certainly must be—then on the Republican side......