19 OCTOBER 1895, page 3

Mr. Gerald Balfour, Chief Secretary For Ireland, On Wed-...

made a short speech to his constituents at Leeds, .chiefly on Ireland. He thought there was "a real and important change in the spirit of people there," which had extended even......

On Monday Sir Charles Dilke Delivered A Speech On Egypt

at the Markham Mutual Improvement Society in Chelsea. Referring to the subject of arbitration, he expressed very grave doubts as to its applicability to our disputes with......

The Exhibition Of Horseless Carriages, Organised By Sir...

which took place on Tuesday at Tnnbi idge Wells, can hardly be called a success. There were no elec- trically propelled vehicles, and only two moved by petroleum. But though......

Nothing Is More Satisfactory Than The Evidence Which...

all quarters that Ireland is settling down, and that for the time, at any rate, the will-o'-the-wisp of Home- rule is very little and very languidly followed. A Chicago notable,......

The News Of The Death Of Mrs. Alexander, Wife Of

the Bishop of Derry, which took place last Saturday at the Palace, Derry, has been received with deep regret throughout the Anglo-Saxon world, for wherever the English language......

The Full Accounts Of The Adventures And Sufferings Of...

Peary and his party in the Arctic regions have come to hand during the week. Ill-luck attended the expedition throughout its course, and but for the splendid devotion shown by......

The Death Of Dr. Dnrnford, Bishop Of Chichester, Once More

compels Lord Salisbury to undertake the harassing duty of filling an English See. How he must wish that he could order a competitive examination ! The place, however, is not so......

The Announcement That Mr. Lecky Has Consented To Stand For

the University of Dublin if formally asked, will, we pre- sume, be followed by his election. The result is one for general congratulation. Mr. Lecky is an ideal University......

Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.

New Consols (2i) were on Friday, 107a. •......