RESIDENT WILSON received on Monday the German I Government's reply to the three questions which he formulated in regard to the German Note asking for an armistice and accepting his programme as " a basis for peace negotiations." The German Government said that it accepted the President's terms of " a permanent peace of justice," and that " its object in entering into discussions would be only to agree upon practical details of the application of these terms." As for the armistice, which the President declined to propose to the Allies so long as the enemy's armies " are upon their soil," the German Government, " in accord- ance with the Austro-Hungarian Government "—which was not mentioned in the first German Note—" for the purpose of bringing about an armistice, declares itself ready to comply with the propo- sitions of the President in regard to evacuation." It went on to " suggest that the President may occasion the meeting of a mixed Commission for making the necessary arrangements concerning the evacuation." The President had made evacuation a condition preeedent to an armistice. The German reply assumed that the armistice would come first.