[to The Editor Or The " Spectatott."3 Sir,—the Quotation...
"'The little cares that fretted me," the authorship of 'which was asked for by a correspondent to the - Spectator of October 12th, is from a little poem by Mrs. E. B. Browning......
IVINGHOB. ROUND Ivinghoe the lanes are red With swollen fruit of rose and may, And autumn breaches in the woods Drop rainbow-gold the livelong day. With silver tufts of......
Domestic Service.
(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The correspondent " E. B." of your issue of September 7th seems to me to have a remarkable insight into the difficulties and the......
[to Rim Enema Or Isms "srecraroa."3
Sin,—I beg to offer a brief reply to the letter of a "Civil Servant." (1) " Final cause " is a term used by Aristotle in his analysis of causation. I am disposed to admit that......
GERMAN SOCIAL DEMOCRACY DURING THE WAR.* Tan author of The House of &lessens, turning aside from Greek history, has employed his critical powers in writing a dispassionate study......
Bad Language.
[To rue Emma OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Six,—In reply to " Civil Servant's question, the reputed author of " I feel a feeling which I feel that you all feel " was the late Dr.......
St. John Vire 44.
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Though my experience does not go quite so far back as 1878, I remember that in the "eighties" the translation "for he [the devil] is a......
Sir Walter Ralegh's "patent Wine."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Six,—Your reviewer may well wonder what Sir Walter Ralegh's " pateirt wine" tasted like. The gallant author of The Tower from Within seems......
Authors Found.
[To rue Metros or THE " Seeoreros."] Sus,—The last quotation in " Inquirer's " letter appearing in last Saturday's Spectator is from " A Ballad of Trees and the Master," by......
Notice.—when " Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...
name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agree- ment with the views therein expressed or with the......