President Wilson, Having Thus Received Answers To His...
on Monday to the German proposals. His " frank and direct statement of his decision " will go down to history. After noting that the present German Government and a large......
The Government Call Upon Germany To Remove All British...
at once to a distance of not less than thirty kilometres behind the firing-line ; to treat prisoners humanely and properly ; to allow Dutch representatives to visit the prison......
The British Government Have Addressed A Strong And Solemn...
to Germany on the treatment of prisoners of war. They announce that they are unable to yield to the German demand that the recent arrangement for the exchange of prisoners......
Turkey, Lagging Behind Her Allies, Sent A Peace Note To
President Wilson through the Spanish Embassy on Monday. Turkey, with whom America is not at war, asked the President to re-establish peace and to invite the belligerents to......
Finally, To Prevent Misunderstanding, The President...
that one of the terms of peace which it had accepted—in his Mount Vernon speech of July 4th—required " the destruction of every arbitrary power ,anywhere that can separately,......
News Of The Week.
RESIDENT WILSON received on Monday the German I Government's reply to the three questions which he formulated in regard to the German Note asking for an armistice and accepting......
The President Went On To Say, In Just Wrath, That
neither America nor the Allies would " consent to consider an armistice so long as the armed forces of Germany continue the illegal and inhuman practices which they still......
In Reply To The President's Most Vital Question, " Whether
the Imperial Chancellor is speaking merely for the constituted authorities of the Empire who have so far conducted the war," the German Note said :— " The present German......
The Paper Shortage.
TO OUR READERS.—It is now necessary for readers to place a definite order for the " Spectator" with their Newsagent or at one of the Railway Book- stalls. Should any reader......