Mr. Churchill's Small Effort In The Way Of Reprisals Earlier
in the war was an absolute failure. It should never be forgotten that one of our greatest assets—a fact that will immeasurably support our authority and our prestige in the......
In Flanders On Monday The Belgian, French, And British...
attacked again on a crescent front of twenty-eight miles from near Dixntude to the Lys above Meain, while our monitors bombarded the German coast batteries. There was no......
The Government Call Upon Germany To Remove All British...
at once to a distance of not less than thirty kilometres behind the firing-line ; to treat prisoners humanely and properly ; to allow Dutch representatives to visit the prison......
The British Armies, After Taking Le Gateau On Thursday Week,
encountered very stubborn resistance on the line of the river Selle. On Monday, indeed, the enemy made a regular-attack on our posts east of the Selle, but was repulsed.......
Between Our Right Flank At Le Cateau And The Argonne,
the French armies by brilliant manceuvring and hard fighting have effected a great ohange in the war map. The- persistent attacks of General Mangin, with the help of an Italian......
The Subject Of Prisoners Was Discussed In The House Of
Lords on Wednesday. For our part, -we think that Lord Newton made a very good defence of his 'actions. His Department has worked with limited powers, and his concern for the......
Some Of The Victims Of This Ill-treatment In Giving Their
evidence described the occasional kind treatment they received from doctors and officers, but these acts of kindness seem like pin-points of light in a black dungeon. There is......
As Though To Point The Necessity Of This Solemn Warning,
a White Paper by Mr. Justice Younger's Committee on the treatment of prisoners of war in Germany was published in the papers of Tuesday. It is a horrible story at which the......
The Week's Fighting In France Has Resulted In A Rapid
Allied advance in the centre in pursuit of the retreating enemy and a slower advance on the right and the left—in the Meuse Valley and in Flanders—against very strong enemy......
The French And American Armies Operating On Either Side Of
the Argonne completed by Thursday week the task of clearing its tangled thickets and swampy ravines, obstinately defended by German machine-gunners. They thus united their......