19 OCTOBER 1918, Page 1

President Wilson, having thus received answers to his questions, replied

on Monday to the German proposals. His " frank and direct statement of his decision " will go down to history. After noting that the present German Government and a large majority of the German Reichstag had declared their " unqualified accept- ance " of his terms, the President said :-

" It must be clearly understood that the process of evacuation and the conditions of an armistice are matters which must be left to the judgment and advice pf the military advisers of the

Government of the United States and the Allied Governments, and the President feels it his duty to say that no arrangement can be accepted by the Government of the United States whioh does not provide absolutely satisfactory safeguards and guarantees of the present military supremacy of the armies of the United States and of the Allies in the field."

The Allies, he is sure, will take the same view. In other words, Marthal Foch is not to be baulked of his imminent victory by any political manoeuvre.