19 OCTOBER 1918, Page 19

Seaside Planting for Shelter, Ornament, and Profit. By A. D.

Webster. (T. Fisher Unwin. 18a. net.)—This is an attractive sad also a practical book by an expert forester who has himself formed plantations on seemingly inhospitable areas round our coasts. The photographs, by Mr. Wallis of Kew, show at a glance what fine trees can be grown at the seaside, and the author discusses the problem in detaiL Coast plantations are, of course, valuable for the shelter which they afford to the lands at the back of them, but Mr. Webster thinks that they may, in suitable cases, yield a direct profit. After the war, it may be hoped, more attention will be given to this interesting subject. The French and Belgian Governments have, of course, done a great deal towards planting their barren ooastlands.