The Young Wage-Earner and the Problem of his Edusation. Essays
and Reports edited by J. J. Findlay. (Sidgwick and Jackson. 8s. 6d. net.)—This valuable little book, written by members of the Uplands Association, discusses various aspects of the question how we are to educate the millions of children who leave school at twelve and thirteen, enter some employment, and straightway forget all that they ever learned. The new Education Act makes education compulsory for the adolescent, but the working out of the Aot in practice must present very serious difficulties. The reports in this book on various trade schools now existing show what can be done by sympathetio employers. Among the essays, that on " The Young Factory Girl," by Miss Emily Matthias, a superintendent of the women employed in a Bradford factory, is specially interesting. Her motto is " Let the initiative come from the girls themselves."