In Serbia and Albania the Allies continue to drive the
Germans and Austrians before them. The gallant Serbian Army had the satisfaction on Saturday last of recapturing Nish, which was held by a German garrison. The German " Balkan express " will run no more through Nish to Constantinople. The French have occupied Pirot, on the Bulgarian frontier, and, to the west, they are at Prizrend and Mitrovitza, on the way to Novi Bazar and the Bosnian frontier. In Albania the Italians, pursuing the Austrians on a wide front, have passed Elbasan and Tirana, and on Monday entered Durazzo, the Austrian base on the Albanian coast, which Allied war- ships recently bombarded with great effect. The Greeks have re- occupied their territory in Eastern Macedonia, and have found terrible traces of Bulger savagery in the unhappy region of Drama and Kavalla.