19 OCTOBER 1918, Page 3

The First Lord of the Admiralty, who is visiting America,

has warned the American people that the enemy submarines are " held but .not mastered." " A great renewed effort on Germany's part is impending," he said in a message to the Press last Sunday. " We know it, and we know of its extent. We face it with the know- ledge that with the steadfast courage of our seamen it will be met." He told the Pilgrims in New York that we still needed many more destroyers and " chasers " to hunt down the U '-boats, and he urged America to help in building them. Sir Eric Geddes said that we had lost more than twice as many war-vessels as all our Allies put together, and that we had lost 7,760,000 tons of merchant shipping, or thrice the losses of all our Allies. The heavy strain on our shipyards continues, but America is now bearing her part of the burden of merohant-ship construction.