'1' .11E A '1' It Es.
suruiDAN ne.w ph,y, 71,e 13).ille (!I itu, conics (lilt to- night at Covent Iarrlen : report of its merits and success octet Week, Its prO,■Ileil011 Seell1S to Dave been 11:ist,oli.d by the ;',1111131111.:,,-
atent, at the Sorry 'Flientre, of a tragedy on the >.,)o 77.e
ViNi)crs, Written by KENNEY ; bret1:2.ht forward ztt this tittle with the apparent intenti(m of :IA; at:11.2. l(NolviAss's dranua, or at least of sharitig the popular inter(-: et'
subject. ttilworthy species of rivalry is tin., coannon
tutlitagers to excite surprise'; but i. correspittilem, 1;:!/ ii. t trentely- indignant at what lie " sash paltry and disreptitt:Iaa reminds Its theft the '4arry appropt,tiated the title of that. e • i,
popular littl
p.vee 7'1re Lot(lics produced at the ;, season; tilt(' it teas also at the Sorry that it V.1.0■011...•11 version of the • Leye)te/ Mew( row Ora.. trot imp when 1.1:init lit Nye: in re- ' 1`. Itearsal at tovellt, Gartlen. A, pen,ever;171co in this sy,..!e:11 ol' will gain for the Siirry an ttnonvi:thle notoriety. In .imdiee I., :\ Ir. 1)avit)(1E, 11(mvever, as well as to tile (litamatist, we hisert Ir.stet' hush Ito ;..y, hl..SNEY la' the IlErter. 1,1, spirit; and the sitited entir y
ely et,ulpate Ccant ;he
ol'forestalling the stibjam e;':•;nratio.1N : the lime cinpien c;:. it v
"Sir—Tim enrrect rrrancmw toss III no; I'd iii.,' to t:,,;
tragedy of the ec I ors, law; :innetiner,f ue- the which is oil 1!,e .::env tho il'ay of n b.. • at Covent thrmigh your favoar. :oopcize t,•0 the forincr b1, been o.rio ten hv ine up.vards of ton ycarc,
accepted at The , Ipw
independent of it. iderik: In the in...et time, a ;:.,-1,!•.;:e ,•1 im Lad ea.... !•4 14' i"•. fillentid11). :teipvtin ed with th' ithlY; bits "IrL•'"•'' • gested the ;mid •;:t to :kfr. ;aentam :me. ; :' ; wry, bet to e; the Ito net, have no Mit'ut; "•0;•'•'. Ida etmow to remain under tiw a. have .■% .1 1 III.; a 1.. p i i(la 1.■ It It Slo.eiolan N It ■r; ; on sets r
other subi••vr. .1t ;mow limo, 1 ol,,crvo, ram v. •
Alxuty :b 1....t::1:11••cric,,' 1;1r li no.,vi..s c t':r of :":1
to tfiroontitc mel into :mill, he Ilce,1 not, Itato. :,a1 r^ I in a t
tO inhorepf 111' fruit', of my ialintlr:i la :I WILT.' I lull Ile would hare tarel'eti ;,...l.Iont•■• i c 1.:11;;.:,.; t fo: o rid
t') a lil'aSIS•roa, ThiS lit. cull 11:1,.. o'Sot.l•of, ;,)
brother dramotist ; besides that I Imo,. him to he sincerely illy friend. mod he (1:,..
nrcd not tell !lie lie liar, rim isee in the d'suk. .1 tl " Roder these cirelinebaneCs, alt'. 1).tri,1.2,-..s livow;ls the modilvii or ut felt nets lionct in the wont prompt. and ilitenth lattlIner Isis the:aro .it t'‘• 'With flaltel he.; regrek that I should hate ilaircus oil of S.
Water: but, Lining!' the 'vnittnge-grotIntl is oectipietl by hint who umittestion- l'•I
ill in ,htmlrhood where my distinguished A;.,1 at a theatre where
- , .1: :•:!.;'-;••re, and of which
-.•I the charm/cc, I ,t hemispheres, the ::: untimely fate hurtless
• --- ably is best entitled to it, I comp, titor leo
he 1, atro us:".• I
Ma '
.1. KENNEY."