A 'r h o • \!,:\ s • ' Thtte s ,l,ts , expiration 0: t . him prop,s,0 5 ;NT! in h, dc.ivour p. m .11 r..,• lus at 1,c: 'rho 1! '1".: - 11 :10 (1 LI IatI I I, I r. sIs• con: C.:......
The Royal Mail Steamer .1 Eon's', Castsin Millar, Arrived At
Liverpool on the 14 ill, from 11 ''on and lislifax. She left Boston at noon on the 1st, and I lalifas at midnight on the :31 instant ; so that she has made the run from Boston......
The Savings Bank Of Paris Received On Sunday 442,297 Francs;
whilst the sum of 1,332,70:3 francs was drawn from it. A munificent donation has been recently made to the University of France by a lady of fortune named Beaumont; who lots......
On The ;t11 Of September Lisbon Remained In An Unsettled
state. It was reported that the Court had become alarmed, and that the Queen was conic poem's' disposed to listen to the advice of those who recom- mend a ellans.! of Ministry,......
The Trial Of Madame Laffarge, At Tulle, On The Charge
of having murdered her husband, has occupied a large portion of the French jour- nals during the week. In our last number we gave a statement of the case for the prosecution.......