19 SEPTEMBER 1840, page 11

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nil a the itse- . at et the ith .:ap- ,. aad : the 7, has is a at:Art- . 1- - t - , sost relit was . Mr.......

East India Siiii'ping.

The Exmouth, from ('aletitta to I..pol, it ties1 een :mm1,911;1,41 at the Ira lilt ic. Arrived-At 11r:11:escla:. :-.1ept :4(11. i er.(1, from ( . oyloil; H.-I,. 1., from......

'1' .11e A '1' It Es.

suruiDAN ne.w ph,y, 71,e 13).ille (!I itu, conics (lilt to- night at Covent Iarrlen : report of its merits and success octet Week, Its prO,■Ileil011 Seell1S to Dave been......

.:•.• 1 A Sufficiently

••• 1 1, iu 7 ... L. • ! . .e 7 , .1 sickly of the for relishing • s : 1 it could hardly r, for whom :tired roué ••••-. htvity, it not ; and .14 make by 'Ill' of years. • ,:1,......

Money Isiarket.

F!ro..v Ael'F.RNOON. impression that the roc: nt heavy fall in the Frerelt %vas produced as much by- Meal its political gained ground Moine' the early part of the (Ave!: ; and......