19 SEPTEMBER 1840, page 1

The Flirmers, Having Finished Their Harvest-woils. Are...

meet together to dine and talk. The Itoyal lltteks .Sericultural I ' • Association met on Wednesday . ; other similar ns.-nteia I inns art' ' about to assemble to celebrate......

The Insurrectionary Mot - Ulna:lit In Madrid Has Fpread...

the large towns in Spain. it nits flaw :aken the e: .re commanding The insurrectionary mot - ulna:lit in Madrid has Fpread to most of the large towns in Spain. it nits flaw......

News Of Tile Week.

Tea Doncaster St. Leger is the "great gun" of the week. It was fired off on Tuesday, and Launcelot hit the mark. All other ques- tions, of war or peace, were for the moment......

Prince Albert ' S Hussars Have Tin' I Is Thne Past Been

greatly distinguished—if not for deeds of arms, It least for change of dress. Every step of the process by which a ;saly of Englishmen were to be converted into a regiment of......

The Next Noticeable Event Of The Week—hut Of' Course At

an im- measurable distance from the Doncaster St. Leger, though placed next it in typographical position—is the commencement of the Parliamentary Registrations for 1840. The "......