19 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 10


F!ro..v Ael'F.RNOON.

impression that the roc: nt heavy fall in the Frerelt %vas produced as much by- Meal its political gained ground Moine' the early part of the (Ave!: ; and thow,.11 the arena!, of Monday brought Dia further de. II: per cent, hi the Frene% price(:, tt t elfcrt upon Dill' Fun(13 Was

1.1:t C()Iti.:•AS year .1101:Cy 11.11 to Millie the lice .kCCOtillt ryas : from that point tie market hat continued to rite ; end a:C:0(Th it hat t•N 1), i.liVea setae tliflitter ranter', the prices of tie ['my are more than 2 pet f.11,,ve tho,e of Iraidav ; 0,(0(ds for ..,Ioncy ha..nag 1, ea (lone at fps', e:ts the price for :1ermint he, reached"I, imp( oy:mant in the New mi.-a-half per (tent'. has ken ri %VILE M.hd,:ly ;1: !I:it hiss 1)0•11 10-:::.y a, (tilts hove con- liuued '',IIhout goy ital(rce,enient : during the early part of the trick (ft (is. to

premium, aml latterly at to 7a. preatinta, while to-d((y they are quoted Iodia Snack has been (101.e at and Lank Stock at

hr,i,o•r01.1 weallaa IS the tv,o (1(1yg Ilas interrupted oar crunmanica- vitt, FI'!!:(1., and we ivere hoot tau: regol tr !nail f'rom l'aris : IL: wards the (Wd of the (lay, how( Sorg a pi,,,,eon-express (:- Cu'' ceiytd ; amid the ioitinted Wl•11: than elribl.cd to r,n(ieipate the initt liTenren natde public by the (I of the mail, of 'fue,l(ty mal \Vedneaday in due emit se lo-day. These bring inteEigenve of a ri,!: of nelirly S per out. in 111, 1'H nch hands; It,: ye,,t,:rday al11.1111.1,11, it 1.1.111i11C1A III le eireCt 1,111' t 11,i,, mrarniw, T1/. cpviling toit., hut; Acteteit

; lout e,,,.1:0(0 (1 to linetitate

o ti..,, jo-t 1.:,•vloo.i 1.0 the I L..: of limin, •,, Ache') the 1,, Let gave v.ay, ch,...(.,1 1/11:,1.1,10 II 111 a second 01 the t-rrdite(l ; to•(1. it:. (rroneme. nature %rat juncCd ),) 1V.. 0: list. Tim t.< 10..1111 amaared late it, the ofo.r0000, :■1■4 can (1 the (1,e111,o, of IL(' marLel.

1...1,;;;11 ■1 mote that, 11,e 1:1o/1,11. '1'wo-

accl•:(-han la r 1/1•1.1i :,/,• t, (!:,■ u I.,14 ol al 51 :nal at

(jnottal 1118 lo 1111; al.,: 1 /ani-li per ('rule. 61). ID• roast he (tour 10,,q 11 a, 111 ally nominal : the If 0, .i:(0 hoe.i•e, r, marl) :; per (amt. al:me the omoil.:(1 wad:0i( n 01 last f4a- 1'01 1(!ole,e five p, t Ce01-.., %shirk WVre ao,'„, to, in-sits 3:1; anal

toad, v. vic at huh to-day al :r.1, but j, terwarda

:■1111 ni.

01 A Owl Funds 1:01: :Ls° ,lightly

1Joll,r(.:4; :!:1 to ;1 76:1“ e per (10.; and ltrnur.'1tag 7H to 1.0, marking an ildValiCe in. the /throe proportion. Sletilato 1:0sola arc tihn■.

-- ----- rather more in demand; but the prices, although 1 per cent. above the lowest, are not higher than those of Saturday last.

The improveMent in the Foreign Funds has been entirely consequent upon the rise in Consols, more especially that of the Peninsidar Securities, as the intelligence both from Spain and Portugal is of a very unsatisfamory character. The holders of Spanish Stock, however, rely upon a pacific solution of the pre- sent menacing state of affairs, and anticipate that the next arrivals wilt bring intelligence of the submission of the Queen Regent to the Junta of Madrid ; ; though at the same time rumours arc prevalent that the Basque Provinces are ready to side with Royalty, in which case we might look for a renewal of the ' T civil war. The Committee of Spanish Bondholders have wasted much valuable time in discussing some propositions made by the Count DE LARA for the set- tlement of the claims of the Bondholders : it appears, however, that the Couut has no authority from the Spanish Government for any proceedings he may take in reference to this question; and consequently the dismission or ne!rotia- lion, or by whatever other name the child's-play nay he called, has been broken off. It has been the subject of much remark that the Committee should for a moment have entertained the proposition of an unauthorized :went : it is on the other hand asserted, that the Committee while acting for the general good, arc bound to receive all communications that may tend to the advantage of the Bondholders.

The Railway Shares are at greatly improved quotations; the advanee vary- ing from 2/. to 5/. per Share : Bininuigham, 75 to 77 ; Great Western, 20 prem. ; Croydon, II/I per Share; Brighton, 10 to 'A ; Blackwell, 2 to IA

SATVIII,AV, TWELVE The usual monthly statement of the Liabilities and As..r2ti of th, Davi,. of England has made its appearance : as compared with the last account, tbe Circulation has increased 145,0001, the Securities 255,000/., while the Deposi., have been diminished by 213,000/., and the Bullion by 107,0001. Our market has been very steady this morning, the only quotations of Consols for Motley are 88a and 8811, while for Account the opening-price Was 88R, but S0011 reached ; and for a moment there were buyers of Stork at that price; the market, how- ever, receded, and the price is now SS!, A. New Three-and-a-half per Cents. hare been at 974, and are now 97!i. :Exchequer ]]ills arc Gs. to Ss. prem. ; and India Bonds 7s. dis. The only business occuiring in the Foreign Funds has been in Spanish Active Stock, which opened at 24, and after being z.t

for the Current Account and 24!., for thc 15th October, is now 2% 4. The other current Stocks arc nearly at yesterday's prices. The Railway Shares are heavy, at prices from 10s. to 1/. below those of yesterday.

3 per Cent. 4.!:•tp.ols 881 4.I BelCian 5 nor cent, . 97 9

Ditto for Account 8:31 Columbian 6 per 'Cents

3 ter Cent. ltednecti shut I rbflubdi 3 1,r cems 76-S 31 per Cent. Ditto shut Dutch 2, I C.mts. 594 1 Bank Stock 97t '1 Pit Regency 1.) per Cts. 331 1

• . New Al per Cents. 166 7 Dino 3 per ants Exchequer Bills ..• .• ....... G 8 pm. io•t: Core 108 10

India g4ock 2461 :;41,.:111,1t (Active) 4 Brazilian 5 per Cent- 7e so