The Royal mail steamer .1 eon's', Castsin Millar, arrived at
Liverpool on the 14 ill, from 11 ''on and lislifax. She left Boston at noon on the 1st, and I lalifas at midnight on the :31 instant ; so that she has made the run from Boston to Liverpool in twelve days and a half, anti front I lalifax in ten days. She brought seventy passengers, many of them from Boston.
Tice steam-snip President arrived at the same port on Thursday, with New York papers to the lot instant: being Otte play later than tlev.t broitc.2.111 by th.t A eadia. The President e:1Q:.1;:iter,....1 heavy Weather durin' p :rt of her lassage. She has brought nearly sixty
p.n.sengers, a quantity of (on ace:tent, it is reported. of tha Batik of the U.thed StmeF,) and a lama quanti:y of ti,er and other merchandise.
The exchange on England ;I.Ir Presids,::rs1 from 1(1,17 it I 4 duds. 74e. to 4 dots. i5e. 'Ls: sales of 1,:.:sel not, however. it was report- 1. be, It appears from the aesses•-s- I by ths-, at New York was in the is eel ,:.• The New York 1,::per .1 ) ..1 any t.• •
worth exissietisg. . sneer: is..r.:es...1 the
time and attentioa of the 1di. A naval squad-A.1i Was
India and China enee, the frigate sloop o f war _ another sloop.
'File Florida war sI.C1
1,1,aut one ',.•• .1 :Ht.:, klAnd wd, then i . • 11.:y, The civil war s. : to
I./1111d 111 111.• 0/11I■••', 111 tit,. capture ot. sinters au l snot
the de'al's'', oe letter. which it
pre% • 11i1r11.191.
that his 1,1,S' hi North A
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