THE Niger Cl/nip:11y is indefatigable in its exertions. A fortnight since we had its abridgment or Sir 'POWELL BUXTON'S work, pia forth fer the use or ;_oettiemen not much addicted to reading. This week two urgnments iii iiivour of Sir FO,, r.,.L'S (1. e. Mr. -..\1•QuEEN's)
scheme have nppetired,--one in the fortn of a communication to the iltoro;./e• C'b000ir/e by Colonel N teuor.r.s ; the other in the t:,rm
of a pamph lei, r:urporiing to be a letter from Silt Gnoutiu STEPHEN to Lord Jun:, ItessEm.. Both of these gentlemen bring theirtu'- tillcry to lieu' upon Mr. JA:nu:soN, whose pamphlet we not long
ago noticed at some length. After a dispassionate and careful scrutiny, we cennot discover that either of the disputants has ad- duced any disproved any one statement made by 3.1r.
jAmirsoN, or unseille,1 any of his conclusions. We have not therefore been leti to notice flit. In by an opinion that they hate thrown any fo..v.. I; tilt upon the sultject of controversy. illey might have lute n alioNveti to e.;eape unregarded intd it not been for the greott,r lioldness with wilich (secure noLv of Government support) their writers allw,v the real object of :Mr. Iluvrox's Company- the o.::,yrest ..,Viica—to appear. Coloncl Noniom.s, who
writ. s in it frank, outspoken, somewhat rofleking strain, de-
clares—" It i quite a mistake to send men to trade ond scientilically explore a new anti dangerous country, contaittints many warlike and hostile tribes and states, is.11OW no law
but that of the strongest. The political salt of the wo11,1 lutist go in front of the merchant, and preparo the way for commerce and civilization : that salt is only to be tOund in the
iron discipline of tho Army and Navy. whore good order.
cleanliness, awl as tench geed morals as can he got out of neinl,:nd
are to be found." The plain English of this is- -•• 1'.111 must shoot and kimek men on the head before you attempt to ;red,. witli them.- But the military occupation of the century is not to crane ath'r tatiania'ct Its been introduced : tine Company's pfeo, for civilizing. Africa. C,.tonel Niettort..; tells us, are rounded oil a union of
agriculture, vont:tierce, eitihz:11011. ht nu on,: of a multittolc of
Inizozior..ry labourers on the plans of tho Moravian hrothron : the who', (led mid pretcet,o1 lD. OW eXPetill it'll IC/ the Niger, i/.e
properly disposed on the coast
,21h1 Ill' Ow rite: o :1 indieor eel Lowe/on:wt.!. the large jmnt sit.. I., eel:Tatty mentioned.- The Colonel also
admits tleu the rec. mpany. in his etc-
is that it "ill poi II..., II l'•A.T.'t 16011 W.. 161 AO AA,It.TS bay,' ••■.': It 14111 V of cowl. but it st 'veil lu ruin litan • and WaS0 grunt lit::: to all the parties convernea. '
of ly ONOP1aCti. will end this OtanoraliHIT t.r III the I■1 :,11 111(1.A:int anti war ,;- facturcr, ;mil of ruin to th:' :Akt bodies tho deluded, corrupted Hell es, ;HO till' umr niereleimo.,I.dps.- Colonel Sir ( ' I "1.10: ...'I.E1'11 1:7,, v. ho I.; 11101.0 a 11,111 or 1.1.,' V■k:riti 111:111 ‘.. that question must be decided"; :I71'1 the missionaries—'' I have no lier but the zeal of our lei- will find tar them an entrance to every settlement, as ;wn as a bonding is roofed in; 1 have no doubt that instructors in th•• trcths of the gt,sp(.I will insinuate themselves with every cdt-.2.,,) that is borne to Atitica in British bottoms; and still less can 1 doubt that every facility and every protection will be extended to then; that tie! African Society can supply: but, so far as I am awere. t. is plan of moral and therethre religious education has y.: o contemplated, or will be proposed till its means are better -e....tained, and its plans of operation more matured." We sincerely hope that a few more motahcrs of the Society may be induced to publish : no other persons know their characters and motives so well, or Call depict them with such graphic effect. And we trust that the "religious public,- appi_.;■!ed to at the great Exeter Hall meeting, will duly appreeiete their throwing of the missionaries overboard and substituti.m of the "jeditieu/ salt of the earth" instead.