19 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 15



Tnr. statement, which has appeared in the Globe and other papers, of the dispute between Lord CARDIGAN :IA Captain REYNOLDS, hnpresses upon the Uninitiated a curious notion of the amenities of a mess-table where his Lordship presides. If a member of the

mess presumes to have a wine brought to table in a black bottle, which no nun of taste (we will not veoturc to speak for men of fashion) would drink out of any other kind of bottle, he is to be rated by his Lordship for converting- the 10,•.-,-r:toni into a tavern;

and if he quietly remonstrates with a br.•.:.er. etlicer for conde- scending to carry such a message. he is under arrest, But Lord CARDIGAN has not only the 7 ;eking life pleasant to his cohrire.s—he is eminently succ, ' ;•, inz himself the same good office. To speak nothing of : :ode during the investigation of Captain WATInix', ..his last twelve- month we find Lord CARDIGAN pr, , to a Justice of the Peace who made :t comp' his officers, bringing one officer to a court-o.. him, and himself challenging another an:I::: h I t hese trans- actions, however, are at :( seer. .. : and we will not V:altUIC to pronoun:L. na rits or demerits of tiny of the parties. I;

.::ire pre- mature to say, that whatever te-; ,,.•;ry, the ,o lb..rse Guards must cut a shay, . ..at• aware

that in an army considerable preserve dir-eipline: that complaints n,olie-t ,i-z not be lightly entertained: and tiro stretched,

atel .44:moat given against Cie e the cum-

neendog-otlicer was in the v reoe Bat this

a:low:Ince cannot he stretchedsoxrrity

with which the Horse Gnarls h.., , case of Captain Ituvxot.os. and ag.:iti

him on an i.: cent

suspicious on account of a Lt.. h.:count of the hot-water in which Ile t s t him. It is clear that the conduct of tilt. I : Is Captain rank, ke rv.

iry from are. .1 Hut. those in its justice call the unfrit of the nor.-eetncli,si, . .At :my time, ten.leney to ill-it t the lacy. must , or seem to be. c'xcl1sivelir dm:

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