Oliver Cromwell; an Historical Romance. Edited by llorace Smith, Rut.. Author
or.. 11 lit a void. Culturn.
EPISTOLARY (.0.111. Pallor, Lott ol i .611.1 i [.opera written during the Reigos of II .try VI.. 1,,ilwartl IV., and III . I v.utuus Tenons ut r nk and Ci111S1.1111ellill ; will, fates IsisttnicA ,1■1101.■. and 11111110,11il'Ati•li by en4r.t.iii.;., 01. 11111•141:11111, It .1.1111 1.%•111i F.A.S. A new ; iu "ht 'I, the less
fmr,rtall. 11.t els •ire whult•beriist is ilio.slisl lu Chi Oil 1",ill.11 order,
and ti made lu tit: Notes of the original . 11). A. Li isi,sy. 1;12 vol.... V, a I it ight itid Cu. Aonterti A A:rieuttlire sti,1 Dairy Husbandry. fly James Iaeltson.
Auth,r or the Il.ghland ant Agrico tor I s.eiety of Seta•
laud ind,r,, &(inturgh.