19 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 18

K SO N'S 'r A T :3 ON A ■:■

K 1 t* I.: 1. T 111: N 1 A IZ

111: S IL\ N IitY.

re:iris one of the

Lt in eon:le:Ian with the people':;

the very useful purpose ui disseminat• agricultitrt; tualongit tie; fanning

1lthou '.l improv5e-aents in eultiv:etion leave 11-51 rivalled, and :',•;;In the imture of things most p•ed).11)1.v can never he 'mle to rival, the wotel.:r-v:or:sice; Caitet..; of steatn. and machliter■', still it great deal has been done \v.-alibi the lest century to 'reduce agti. cult ttre to a ratlottal system deduced front an ()bservtiti,a) of the

lasys of nature; tilt 0 very great change has been t•ff5.5..toui iu the nel.les of celtivatiae, the Lace of the country, ;":: :5:flaunt of

the plenleco. 'rime n of tarnip-leaseeudry. :Lot other green c.-:1:151,1 a mt::: erreatae neenber to be supiexte.1 5,:t givtin quantity of lard ; i'.1111.1,11111'; sup- plies 1.;:11 l,l li g tt 11111.?/1. renter y.ra :l' P.IaM11, to fertilize the e:1,;;:el, whilat the green 1/1.t.T.tred the soil f a' further eultivat;on. In 111-011.■..

:awl considerable cit,u1gt, were

LH the %,•5,r:!:. better 6 lets labour. The nryl. .:riser! by telk.i5e.; • e,iee 5, he ee:5- • arc in a

Ines sae .. not ree een,,,,'■• that che-

mistry. meteor,,beee. eppre- i , ; nature of soils ;;:, i •-:, or..tit'l' ro 1111',:..■Ye theta eleal turn 0.15.1., te t ;,,,,ii!;51,1.55. tees. Singthane5,,He 11 these

ea, •.,t ;:e: roa the ea anale parp5, 01 loteRnot7Ott,

5 et' ;;:e.i•adtor the traits- eai . nceb te hi (low:, not tnorely t ,l lent natchinery, but :11 Hy1. 1,111oNit',1."..1'.:' . , )1 '-.• (•,;-•■• ; merely

that 'pit he- 1. wit a eff;et it, .•Inall fa- h in a lett 'oh inet- t Item

\ :1'1! or pr/VC/AY

(1.'/ ■Iy y,cali ter 111'11 Will '1 1 lin , nr; !,"1,•1,r „r 1 ry our..

Tri /1!;.riollItire hurl 1)„ire'I

e'utcritri,..ing oriry

,..; f:ript-4. (;:itu In , , h', ,:-r. 1 ,..!, 11,1 :1 C111111110,1' :11111 111141' (4/111111T111.11,1,41 s, ht, cur t,, rarti,,,jiar 1,,r,,,„1 „f th„ wire. .., II, !, S,lii't I I,,III.nitl n. :-,y ,l,:milic filly of Ilte impro I. cd. and to times;; 11'cre added his own experience on the subject. some t l< tics I hopt a "antic. ai to I5I•l!‘•1' V.i0:1.1' pro- vci.i!,•••kiisIl■ ;it ei• ;Ls,' I Glide the iitel• inert si:,•••..q. • .!:•1 i.;v1: eini• was cn- iIti.1, 1,i:1i •.., .,ir 1.••••• ..I. rifle %vas • :: --. • • in-' 1,1" punchy in 11,4 1-; ..•,•:.1)4!....•41 114,1, 4, :■.• 4 I. • .4 •!nr I7:!;4 ‘414!-Ic inn,I-1.144pri4.1:4r 0.4, 4:( 74- 44 4••••;!4' 11..41:1•44!4)14144, 144,1,,!..414.,1 ccSI 1 nu4445.;:' '; ; • Iv !!: !:. i!!. :•4!...;!! 1.,4::; :4 114•1.: rOM,;1111.1 ;11cc smile :in.,' • : iei• such a of " c.,,.•!:,,: -'ccci I. v. Ia re we tialin: • ail••". G.:I... • •'I ..-1,...,! •••, 1•.• in ri-1:::••, ',I:A for to :.•. - • - :i-r:•." .f. 1-•• t., ri•

of the L.• •• ;:.

—.1).144'snt Iv...." Ii '• " .11 ,I a rarr:-..1.11,I:• ••• ••, ,!!

17.11. Attic,' cge rf • Oct. ••.•••ilril to :v. •.:,••:.. ! i•-:•• II• toi•xittithie thi• Ia cow: : • •:, , . ••:.

51.'0111.(1 ilk, ty to Le :. • ;

1.4.4411:14141, I,4! •;. II4•: .-4:4 : •1.•!

the i•.••• I 7.-,••. tin" •••••.I.•1; ClIdi nrIghlinor.,. c, :1, .".

1,,:els into the List •!"; II I.I.: .• • oalry, wis of ail 1•• :1 of lime, litit for the pttritose i'; S•• :: • 1 •• • • ••• •- htzt Ccc Ght..in lice of brioI., ic-."- -• . • 1Ik: 1111S to ,111•; ••:1•ijictit 1.13 10111.I. • I ' -• •• :• 11•1C.111'S tO cc cIsc, 1111.1!C.•.1.:' 1011, • • ' : •.-.' larger such 1,f grain I I,,cctInn" ily ••••. • who, in °Lir c. 1. ;1 to • '.•1 c ".•: - liaustell soil, tru"ii • 11,., 1., criterpri-e; bat Air. , ilI•": • do not loos- exi,t. 11.! ; I 111111..•:' 11•.110:,.-.. • .. •. : •• •.• nearly 1 ic L1.. c•cl 1,0 •!:. ' : • was ‘sitling icc tt,ih1ci cut 11!-. tii11.••••L'•••• ----- •-• • ". ' l•S• ; •.• atico. Alr. I /al., Inc',,- • ' ! • i••••1 :1 !.: ;Irenill Ilion 'Vcc., Ili!, lit'It ha\1 00 • 1. 1 •- ga....!' I ti,, hit I , • !,. , "..• ", ; hit e",1, I :!

tufo... h.,: trt:111t •'.. • • . • till 11"1111, ,, -e•1.. Ir.,: it: : 1:0‘.11 ,'nee in :%1 re•' ie1.• u'.011.4linien wereiuc i ti••.: . • ; ; ti, t wrre cccl 11/ •:: It' III,' I nin.nV,.: in the l!..t...71 svith 1.1,0ccl• , 1" III,'!' . ^01,11 Ill:111111e 11111 S:•• !. :110S1 attic,,'-:1 • 11r. I ir.vn person:II pri•••••,' I y. !•• •' t i• . Ii live to see hilosellcl-cl;Anil !war hinisci: -.I the alt e of 1.4,•01 Hof. :.4.111 d.:c1) II 1...yr .ti Thls remnyLublo :ti tho cli ilsity of 'lie aIr ..a, cc, 1. x‘iirthy of our dcitccdticcil; for the ealeti•ii,i • • .•! :.• rca',svcmc'' cud elintaining lit at friim the 'mm's rits deli- cut it. .... eniolii ion, It is well !..onewn that tla• alt. •• • : er.I.I.,111•0111111,11 I/111ii is,''hp- not so : : ,.! t! the chicldrent',' it, the 1.I . d",....1.1 of air mitt. 1.0 'en', and t:Hither ,, •!•■ -,'• e‘. si a, cve shall lit,! that i•r•••Ii rontaini. • • , : heat ; ccclill ...'c-,d ‘• GI. that : • . I " ;1., of I 011.1 I' 1.11cccliccci 1•001. T1 t'0:.!, I : it a 1 trittli. .1 ont„1-o, Lilt ,til. 1,0:oli 11001' :I:. ; . t',•!.•: ' • ! •. :11a1;01•, 11.:0 a Onn III, I I:, -n_11 •1 I' Ann .111111.1.i'. cccii n■.1 IT', • tic, r thin .nd I.Id'n Inc IL! -. .1141, 1110 :lir' ■ V..1:0 11, it 1., ht•10',!, 1,0 110 • :110• 111111•1• cci5‘•1\ 0,11110, r ; 110,1 tIc pc, I Lie, (1,,• 11•'!••••• i'1•01,1•11y 11c.• 00! i :11 • ,.••.: •,:• • •


:••.!11. c th:11:•:.

1:1 0111.112;' 01 the ailti.iat i ..1 .."dd fe.ii Or,. 1: •'. :11•ir.1, .001 111•.-, V0:1,111.0. :1111:11ti011 it Foci:1111.1;II I. 1.1111., !nna V:11110, di,' 1•1,t11 1,, 1:1,1 1••••!.: 1.1■11 I11111 110' cl....1,1,11011 01 Ike ,.1i1tic1•■• H.'10•:' I,, c1■ci S' II. pi ,•I! • I.,.I 1•:11.•■1V Of I.1.1.13iik II .1

manuscript a".sistance placed at his disposal, and a variety printed au t horn les.

The arran4ement of the treatise is orderly and natural. After a .short historical introduction, it considers time prime origin of art--- the constitution of uature—under the heads of time atino:There, climate, soils, and the laws of Vegetation. It then discusses the first practical step--as selection of a 1141'111, leases, &e. : it next goes to the implements of husbandry, and then to tillage, ;:rule labour, manures, cropping, reaping, and harY(.-.1ing. Th, ha- provcinent or land billows, under the heads of draining, fencing, enclosures, &c.; after which, there 13 a very u.;e1111 and rather interesting account of the reclamation 01 w:oite muds. The ma- nagement of dairy. husbandry, in which t.ingland alone perhaps excels Scotland, completes the \yolk.

The subject, not less 1111111 1:c, eityppitc:,s of the public;!tion, bids our entering into an exp0,1tiun or any of it •: br.mehes; but we will take a few extrli-.H, fbr exainp!e3 of the tmthol.'s style, as well as of the many intere..:H v:11:011 his abounds.

n.e Is Siltik acl1)1* r1:011,111111, after (Irvin,. barn it to ci t1,,,n iray the ash,: on cc plait it,two"..verv, andcll p ■‘,11. ,•,nt :no, small oi a :imly material, whirhoil feel har!, to tin. lingers, i.e scratch upon the pIale. c,ctii,lvmatt 1.1 is V. 1;i•'',1 11,1•Ir I- .c po,tiou CU li,sidcs this, tlis ti,, iii ccc■T carbonate of lime, eat IL 01 111.1:.:1:enia allunine or el!,y, 11110:;:1110.-c, ;11111 oxide t'Le C.LII Ice di ted by chemical tinc.rrrs. or 1:1:1:1.1)ING, ,..feetril 1,r, f ,I.T.-irtiner.t of 111.'114 4,44 4; • • ...I' •.c principal to•ti n.:. ; 1 son, 'V111' eX••,. Ili,it:,•,•' r I energy, havIo.• !.. i• • I. I rc &re-

liere!1. ,!.•• : • ••• I or . • in such

Ict.,::',1: •z• '.7; t,,II,V1:10i, Ihn,ndeI In VI what 11, I•01••i■i01•,1 I t.;1111 la ■. I'll; ■,:n1 line Orfin-il . , ; • 1•:- 1.•,;,.• 1 •: 1••••.•. • / is. Such !::. •-. • :: •., • :i _ - thi• hire of

tIo"••• : ' :II' -

t:c, / .! • It.: 1•.• 1 • ,• •••••• • it of those

!:•-. t, the

auc- ANCIENT AGRI,CI.T1'101. I 1,!,!!!, ; .I!. . .11i even rialni• a poor spkra of ngrieultui-,!... only the good. liinano citon: l• •.: grOSS