The I:• Los been ratified. The Ottoman Porte, rested in
it, was the last to sign the contract. .)f" the movements of the fleet before eet-, represent the blockade of' that port it Admiral STorrono had ordered the : it is even asserted, in the Monittier :eh ship, with a cargo of arms and ammuni- , •let, had been taken. There is, however, no el these reports. Among the rumours, it is had agreed to certain proposals made to him y, Count WALewsKt, with a view,to the final .sees without resorting to arm The prox- end French fleets off Alexandria, seems more
• He blockade should be strictly enforced, than hick has vet occurred.
Nothit.:7 Alexis:. to Ira; s captor e e: .
of Thu i Le.
tion Inv!. 1... reliance so stated tbe, tl.e adju,sts.
imity of t hreat e. any s.tises