Vibe Illetropf3lis.
The Lords of the Treasury conmmnicated on Teesday to the Gresham Committee, that they have assented to the p1•: of Mr. The for the new Royal Exchange selected I.y the Committee. Operations will commence, it is expected, immediately.
The revision of th. lists of the various Cily Cempenies commenced on Wednesday, before fir. Mylne. The only musstion of impor:anee
mooted during the day seas an of taken by Mr. Trott, the agent for the Reform party, to the qualification of Mr. Pinchclige, the ob. jector-general on the part of the Conservatives. It contended by Mr. Trott, that the address of Mr. Hinelicliffe was inArrectly given, as it represented him to be residing at Stratford Grove. front which place lie had removed before the date of the objections. The whole of the oljections served by the Conservative agents p.mded on this point; for if the Re; ising Barrister had pronounced in favour of 3.1r. Trott's. view of the construction of the clause of' the Reform Act, the 592 ob- jections would have fallen to the ground. It Netts contended, lur.vcver, be Mr. Quin, the Conservative agent. that as Mr. Mitchell& was a Liveryman, and his address was eiven in the books of the Dyer's Com- patty at Stratford Grove, he was fully qualified, as an elector, to make the objections. After sonic discussion, Ali. Mylne decided that the notice of objection was sufficient within the meeniag of the act ; and therefbre lie should inquire into all the objections served by Mr. flinch- eliffe, if there was no other point to be raised against them.
No cases of interest were brought before the Revising Barrister for the City on Thursday. The Liberals sustained two claims and two objections; the Conservatives sustained seven claims and four objections. •
The following has been published as is correct list of the claims and objections on both sides in the city of London, and the amount of eons. stituency of the City for the Tears 1839 and 1840. Total number on
the list of the Livery—lbr 1840, 8,230. 'Try claims, 11; objections, 170 : Liberal claims, ; objections, 3. Ilonseholders—total number in 1839, 10,:23; in 18-10, 11,202. Tory chlims, 100 ; objec- tions, 420: Liberal claims, 84; .sbjectioits, 110. General total—Tory claims, 111 ; objections, :590: Liberal claims, 92 ; objections, 113.
The revision of the lists of the parishes in the borough of Finsbury commenced and concluded on Tuesday, before Mr. If:dem:yr. at the White Conduit House. The processdiegs were devoid of interest. .No agent ap- peared for any party. The olj.sseiions were those of Ov'srsessrs for non-
payment of rates, alai the claieis for unintentional omissions. • The revision of the lists of the Tower Hamlets commenced on Wed- ness'ay, betwe 31r. Falconer. The Tower Hamlets Conservative Asso- eiatioa objected to 430 names; and Mr. Blunt attended to support the objections. No one was present on behalf of the Liberals. There :were not more than thirty nr forty elelins. Mr. Scott Reynolds, whose promises were destroyed by the fire in Wapping in .lose last, was objected to because his quelification as a householder no longer existed. Mr. Falconer said it had been decided in previous cases, that the pulling down of a part of a house for the purpose of rebuilding it was not a disqnalification. 'the objection was therefore disallowed. The following is the result of the day's procecdines—Ols,jections allowed, 74 ; disallowed, 59 ; withdrawn, 445. Claims allow ed; ; disallowed, 7. An objection to a gentleman who said he was a native of Hanover was allowed.
In the suite Registration Court, on Thursday, the Conserva- tives sustained ninety-four objections; they only made three claims, and they were all rejected. The Liberals sustaieed one objec- tion and one claim. In the I [amulet of Mile End Old Town, 141 objections had been taken by Mr. Blunt ; who was Itinrself objetited to. The objection to him was sustained on the ground that lie was not a householder on the 20th of July; and all his olject ions consequently fell to the ground. Mr. Parker, the Town-clerle asbial the Barrister whether the Post-office clerks and Customhouse.ollieers, who resided in the borough and were not entitled to vote, should be charged the registration-shilling fbr registering votes they could not avail them- selves of'? Mr. Blunt said, no one in Shoreditch or Bethnal Green would pay the registration-shilling for the future. Mr. Falconer told him it might be made part of the rate, and recovered by a distress.
Yesterday, the revision of the lists of voters in the Tower Hamlets was concluded. Both parties remain in this same position as before.