A ef,:,\' 0 Le (2.0c. ention conelmied between the Courts
of Great ; -?i;• PrIt• titel and the Ottoman. Porte, for the (it' the has b, eii published Ire tile .11eriling 1.1, the NViir:; first 1,r«untlgolby th,, .Iforioirry
the' tre:11:. ,,11 110W 111:11k: IICIR:1111, beco)ues
t' . .
oath, 1..ti :IL,. et: t• •: .t tatter of iitiportaia_:. The object of
i t• c 11 cer de! :the! ill; Hilf,hoc., the Soltaii having • ,o the (?green or 111,, 1..imiloin of 61.(iat abd . t!..• 1•••;;, ro,i .Aits'riit Km, of 11 rinear■ as111 1:. of Pro, ,bi, al.•! •ror or tn reclaim their aid ti h ii,..is`•(11(.0 L.• n,1' t1,(.• dl lo ..i; in lo• duds himself • i in coosefFecce of the I;11-1•;•• of Egypt- ,. It's thotaten to irfrir,- Om ii i,,.rh!v the O,I"or in empire and !..• • IA. 1111,/, by 1.1 i,.• i .1'. It, shich 41.0,-ccit :hem, aifimated by r the maini, Ha; ai.,1 independence of r• tic o• (7.111:1•11.,:11,1g the p. of Europe, • .:'1.1 nooirot,•1 by thl. 1,10,• trausmitled to .•-1,11••, 4. ;1'. Cr/:.-;:4111111111■,1,. (Iii I la' .2.7115 111' .1(ily 1839, :,•;,,;•,,e(.1, to i!o• ml 101114111 iiiI,I the (•011111111:1.6111 •• tt illbrI■teeli tilit;mtilit,1 of the ; of hi • I ; 1.h it ;4:6,1 Alaji•Alies ;Ind Idit
the .;al hays with the above old In conclude between
a 17,1■,,•1:i'•111,"
I Thi.n thii names of the ineilipidentiaries appointer' for entering 1""'• , Ili.• treaty. These plenii)otentiiirie,, !Living. rue.] royal!) interchanged i If„ it fall go;i,ers in good and clue Form, have agreed fru and signed the fhllfraing artieb•s • -
IP, „, I " /With I. Ili.; Ilitthut the Stiltail, being agreed with their 11Iajestieir the
if "•'" !!•'!";' Ito( , n fml Ilec (;rent. mid 1rrlH,id, Ilya Emperor of ".. r"- A o•t io Kit,./, of 111.1..no.) and Lioheinia, the I(img Prussia, and the Empi:10'
Mir. of all the I ussitot, uuthe MIL lir the arrangement which it is the intention
of his Highness to allow to lielictrict Ali—conditions which will be fauna spe- cified in the separate act hereto annexed—their Alojesties engttoe thetoselvt s 10 act with perfect accord, and to unite their efforts to determine'Atellentei to conform to this arrongentent ; coelt of the high rautrrteting parties i•eserving to itself to cniiperate to this end with the means of action. ‘vlitelt each of them can dispose of. 0 Article Ir. -h. the 'Pasha of Egypt should, refilse to adhere to the said arrangement, A.ltielt shall b.: tioanntto'xith,1 to him !iy the Sultan with the con- currence a their •i:h."al. the lattei• etp,z.-1•,:o to tak at the requisition of the Saltan, the In oqtres coacet•ted ani ::'freed uu Ind, • 11 then), rot ttio, thin !ALA:I into executioa. In tar Icon the Sultan leteh,...
pu -
invited his al ,:„.s to Join him to assi:t ia th.• eononttaiet: ion between hi:.ypt mei t•ltria, and to prevent the etto,••II;i w er Crony, stnnittnitioe, a:ei 110aaiteet.s of all I • Irt 111. .• pro to the of lift: 1 , 111:11:C.11 and ITCLII::1, I I, n:11!).•1'./V Of i :;r: - gazo to give inray•ii t ti.,. .•, the c ch
• :.liindh: •
then al•al a the :‘,1•• lit •rroneott ; tit iv ;I'',II. • protilhii.0,rture .a. that the • ere rs of' rlieit• sq,celi•ine:, t • • "1•• 1101111 III can siadi :,ave in the Ica the of toe. ;At :11.11 every assist:met ie their por,•••,.. to toe ••• •;ttlijeets of the :Stiltolo manifest their tidelit,y and obedience to their ts.overeign.
" Arti,de III. It lelleat,,t Ali, :titer ,,osea to •.•;Ineit to the con-
ditions of th-,• •••••oloemeat, above-went 1i,,T • IC; Luld
or sea tow:11,'„-; :1:iitzin•ip! •, the hi;.•!1 e, ;
road: 1,■ t•••,.11 t t!,I1 representat •
such r:,0 to :111,,.v:,;• IIIe1no1loll of 111,1I. ai.; 1 to • I.,: the defence of his th•mer., 1,y 3:1,110 of c&Ip..eatioo e.e,..eele,t u c,1:1:,;.■ii purpo,:e putting th:i ::,traits of the 1;0.1.'.ona, and iSarlati..11,., v,ei)
the capilal of the ();teleon empire, secur,r all agreed. C: ill COliSetiti..,;,,. 1,!,,I.•!! a
Ilatlim P01111(111 C11101,1:.!•,1 1:0:1:
requirol hv th.! ; and when his 1 1ioln.-• . di
11113 Cniuf sa..d fore,. siou , respectively int, ■, nit:k S.Nt and the 1'.1..1]•.,1•1•..,:,• 1 1. P. .110'ilys distinctly 11,,,kroto., t Coe C.,;;; tinned aiiticiti, 1110 Itcotiuc to 111:: • i,•In;ri tite • I.:• the liosplan•us, 111111 1 Itt• 1 ?.",,,n1 :11 ■.,1;;1,,,■, Safeg,■:," Ali, sI, •,..,.! Iatt as a 1: I. „,•.
pr( I• lilt ;I:, sI t; ; this ti._ • • • ! ; : : empire, s•h• •.Jaen i1 tut, b i
1,int° T': ft e. his the CNC -.•11ity i, I1 ! Ilie to 11,1' •
regul,Hea .. 1, as any forth,z,1 S';•• I •1,,) Ill( 1.
01Illic Wit I 1..111 •'
Britaio oi Ir•,1•1•1 1, ,e,,•••••.• the Nil:: or a:, that d. bruin. C al of ti !altar, 111 declareil.
4, At title \. The present ConN•eation shall the t'ot• exclun,•ttol at 1:1111? III, tvithin the space of 0.vo "III faith of y. hie11, tin: respective a•oi. a. the seal of their "11011.: al 100trlim, tit: 10111 of 3,11v i:t foe vo•r or t;1••• I
(Signed). t %N.
A et, the terms to lie of7e.ra,l
:Nleltehict Ali, lo (.1,• t
Its, Ili i:i the Sal: inteatioa1 t r.a.01-,1 and to make 1:1: to ••. 11-chentii: .111 C.,. tho " 1. Ili, I lir •,••;n1 t.i Melt...oht oi t•
descendants ill lily; •allniei.-trolion of III,. •.,
his proal'Hes. to to -Aleliew.,t Ala with the tit! , of Pasha 4 ..k.i•ro ;111,1
d'.1.cro, the ad:11'111i,, ..o. ion or tilt. t!or.,...;•:1 of Syria, •••'
are desi,,teed. h.; the ot'.1 : this that on condition of the re_,,,: :NErhernet Ali L11111 111.1:11,1, ;.:.p 1 111.. 0,1 .; a I I titao, and as the de!,;•tle of his ill 1t:'. 1.;,,,Ioces of the a•looiaistratiott is to be tohiat CtyIlaei. it is h 1.: 1'. i•.; ectS11,qf 111,.!:1111)17::
1111 • " "1 Ti"o 1•.•,•! s
11, 1 t.1:-! I.t ' .!1■111 ut
• nts shall .;id pro- ,' \.•re may .oll al- ,- if it