The preparations for fo:lif3 ing Paris, the ordinance for which
is pub- lished in. the .11,.•,iteur of s-anday, are thus described by the corre- spsndent of the .1f. tiny Claonicle- - 11,e capital i, to I e surrounded by a bastioned wall, with fosse, counter- scarp. i.::..1 .:,ici•:, hal it is to include the fauxbotoym exhIriatrs. This wall Wt., s 1,...s,s, in circuit. la addition to this first lintcf fortifications, tar f :1, t . I -. a -. ).•:', at a 1,•• or a league ni1.1 a half eistimt, with from i,,,:.-,.:-:: to e1_:!.t.)...-i, :".,rts on the heights—one on Mount Valcricm one above Font.., v. &.:.; s•, z!,;It the 1..alntiS ,v1:1111e of the Tsang s's,stchjs is to he put into .. \,.. ,,1.,n. St. It ;.1•:• and Cl.:17.,:run are to be the ) Laces darmes of the ext.:' .1. .e, ..; f..r:i. ,i ,1,. '1.1.1i •.viii appear in a few 0..)::,s in the .1/i6kur,
wit!) 1.1 • ' . -. a calap ..1 thirty thousand mon under the walls of
Par•••. . of the Guard is Kerning; but this must
pr,..... . ..- Ch a:. •_:., not a Miniiterial ordontumee."
'a: . ..,...:. :. y :,,.' 11-1ies a circular addresscd by the 31i- nis• - . or to t',.o: Po -•.,cts. concerning the measures to be a I .: - ,:•rison.t.,• 'L. I:, e .oa•tooinence of ti.e increase of the t• :-,.. .t •••••• - • 'F - 31i-i,ter oloserv. .s. that " by the in- . to• men of t:.,,, , ...,- - nr 1,:;-, and 1-, .■ • . woo)l. 1 - i:.,•••• - 1 i i--, ial the :e lo.,1%., o.,. a: • : • h .: -,::oo.• tali:a-
it.,, ... ..::-. to a ...-.iol...o•o',..t, tl::no." It be-
lor, .vi.i... I. -,:.i., o:,.:th;gency ; and,
us 1: ...1..i-.:.otioon 10 pn.ocure the nect,s-
bar:. : -, • 6 ,,.t....:o.eut had resolved to billet Gri :.•, :.':;.-, year, about fifty-CI::: thee- '' The Minister then gives ti •e P:•• ,a hoo-ling those troops ; arm re- ; ,, ,.cure both the interests of the . a., "a re: ,rt current in the highest
of ittldress,trl
t, 1, ; d I' .!:,terso.on ; to which his uu St. rut Lo.ngtiag.• that the
,o act t•, Cor,o.ernment, t lb? huh irottont loefoo:•e the the at'-
) tiff
• whit 0.:••ri ;:t tore
h on the :Id iti-
1...•••••;:.- f.f. ( lie ) 1)",--,.1. )1, a deputation
them mein-
. J.: mool i• ;.• o-•-t through
t.rate lituell --•"••••• All
an, es
'for ool too.r ,.r! u o.2:- t same for • i-oao it r of 1.‘ootis
• • r ',art of l' . The
••i, tri-I 1, fixed for the I- h
r L.'', ja,t• married at norenee P.. •• .1 r 'the 0oe ;))11•., i.i that the Count shall io:o•-. ordered a deny:11111Na of fivf: and astiet iu the works of the r•.; .'1 la < t static, that "the Itritidi
a:liser, 1, calities, of no importance whatever, arid which cannot by possibility be made the subject of any discussion affecting either the principle or the details of the treaty. But for the unpleasant differences which have arisen on the Eastern question, the treaty would have already received the signature of M. Thiess. His motives for not signing it under such circumstances will be understood ; but Mr. Porter remains in Paris, and there appears to be an understanding that the treaty will be signed the moment the political horizon shall have brightened up. The an. nouneemeut of signature will then be regarded as a strong indication of the resumption of harmonious intercourse between the two nations."