King Edward has sent the Sultan of Turkey the following
congratulatory telegram on the anniversary of his accession :— " I beg your Majesty to accept my most warm congratulations on the occasion of the first anniversary of your accession since the promulgation of the Constitution. There is every reason to hope that, under the able direction of so eminent a Grand Vizier, your Majesty's Empire will have a peaceful and prosperous future, and that the veneration of posterity will be secured for your Majesty." The King's message significantly indicates the conditions which have rendered possible the re- establishment of friendly relations between the British and Turkish Governments. The last sentence may excite some surprise, but diplomatically it is justifiable. It must not be forgotten that the Sultan has given the most solemn pledges to support and carry out the programme of the reformers, and that they in turn deliberately preferred muzzling to deposing their Sovereign.