We Cannot Do More Than Mention And Commend To The
careful attention of our readers The Teaching of History in Girls' Schools in North and Central Germany, by Eva Dodge (Manchester Univer- sity Press, is. Od. net). It is the......
New Edition8. — Hisfory Of The Hebrew Nation And...
Sharpe. (Elliot Stock. 3s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Sharpe will be found to have anticipated many of the conclusions to which present-day critics have come more or less unanimously.—Notts......
Deeside Tales. By John Grant Michie. (d. Wyllie And Son,
Aberdeen.)—These tales, described by the sub-title as "Men and Manners on Highland Deeside since 1745," were first published in 1872. The present edition is distinguished by the......
Chats On Old Lace And Needlework. By Mrs. Lewes....
(T. Fisher Unwin. 5s.)—Though there are already many excellent books on the subject, lovers and collectors of lace and embroidery will be delighted with this volume, which is......