The General Report On Railway Accidents In The United...
for the year 1907 has been published as a Blue- book. In all 1,117 persons were killed and 8,811 injured by accidents due to the running of trains or the movement of railway......
We Have Already Expressed Our Opinion As To The Challenging
character of the procession as originally designed, and it is an, open secret that leading Roman Catholics regarded it as an injudicious move. But it is none the less most......
We Note With Much Regret The Death In Tragic Circuit.
stances of Professor Churton Collins, who since 1904 had occupied the Chair of English Literature in the University of Birmingham. Professor Collins, who was educated at King......
The Congress For The History Of Religions, Attended By...
of the leading Universities of both hemi- spheres, was opened at Oxford on Tuesday. The Principal of Brasenose, welcoming the Congress on behalf of Oxford, dwelt on its......
A Deplorable Accident Occurred At Fort Myer On Thursday...
when Mr. Orville Wright was experimenting with his aeroplane. He had taken with him as passenger Mr. Selfridge, a Lieutenant of the United States Army, and had already flown......
The Troubles With The Tibetan Authorities Reached A...
April, when Dr. Sven Hedin threw off his disguise, revealed his identity, and, refusing to obey the Governor's order to retrace his steps, secured permission to continue his......
After Noting That The Tendency Of Constitutional Govern-...
to be towards the abandonment of such super- intendence, Sir Alfred Lyall observed that if the movement towards Constitutional government in Mohathmedan Asia succeeded, it would......
An Important Memorandum Was Issued By The Board Of Trade
on Tuesday forecasting the establishment of a new Arbitration Court for the settlement of industrial disputes. The Court will consist of either three or five members chosen from......
The Issues Of The Times Of Thursday And Friday Contain
a summary, furnished by its correspondent at Simla, of Dr. Sven Hedin's second journey in Tibet,—a record of endurance, peril, and discovery equalling, if not eclipsing, his......