Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Victoria the Woman. By Frank Hird. (Appleton and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—"......
The Voluntaryist Creed. By Auberon Herbert. (henry...
June, 1906, Mr. Auberon Herbert delivered the Herbert Spencer Lecture at Oxford. This is given in the volume before us. And with it is associated "A Plea for Voluntaryism,"......
The Workers' Handbook. By Gertrude Il Tuckwell And...
(Duckworth and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—We cannot always accept the conclusions at which the authors of this volume have arrived, but we gladly recognise the industry with which they......
Country Sketches For City Dwellers. Painted And Described...
Willingham Rawnsley. (A. and C. Black. 7s. Od. net.)— Mrs. Rawnsley gives us an agreeable variety of scene and time. She takes us through the year, describing seasons of which......
China And The Gospel. (china Inland Mission. Ls....
a report (illustrated) of the operations of the China Inland Mission during the year 1907, a period, it would seem, of peaceful and successful labour. The number of workers......
City, Who Has Come To A French Watering-place And Is
under the charge of " Auntie Lib." Here is the story of her doings—she must have been more than three, the age that seems to suit the "two feet ten inches" which she measures on......
Old England : Her Story Mirrored In Her Scenes. Text
by W. Shaw Sparrow. Pictures by James Orrock. (Evoleigh Nash. 24s. net.)—" Most landscape painters," writes Mr. Sparrow in his preface, "can select good subjects from a popular......
Missions And Sociology. By The Rev. T. E. Slater. (elliot
Stock. ls. net.)—Mr. glater's main thesis may be found in the statement that " non-Christian religions, as such, have no social promise in them." This he particularises in the......