China and the Gospel. (China Inland Mission. ls. net.)—This is
a report (illustrated) of the operations of the China Inland Mission during the year 1907, a period, it would seem, of peaceful and successful labour. The number of workers increased from eight hundred and seventy-five to nine hundred, who are dispersed at two hundred and four central stations. The results cannot, of course, be easily set out,lor much is of a kind which cannot be tabulated. But figures show something. During the first twenty years of the operations of the Mission two thousand and twenty- six persons were baptised. Then came ten years with a total of six thousand. And this number has been equalled in the two years 1906-7. To put the figures in another way : up to the "Boxer" crisis in 1900 thirteen thousand were baptised in thirty years ; since that event the number has been fifteen thousand. Many interesting details will be found in this volume. —We may mention at the same time a revised edition of Griffith John : the Story of Fifty Years in China, by R. Wardlaw Thompson, D.D.
• (R.T.S., 3s. 6d.) The book appeared ,two years ago, and has met with a reception which says much for the interest felt in the subject.