The statement continues :—
" When these guarantees have been obtained Mulai Hafid might be officially recognised. The Powers would naturally preserve the right of demanding directly from the new Sultan the settlement of questions concerning their special interests, particularly, as far as France and Spain are concerned, the reimbursement of their military outlays and the payment of indemnities for the murders of their ' nationals.' Finally, it is stated that it would be desirable that the new Sultan should grant honourable treatment to Abd- ul-Aziz. The representatives of the old regime would be recom- mended to his equity."
It will be seen that the Note is moderate in its demands. It had been said that France would make the payment of her military expenses a condition of recognition, but the Note expressly postpones this matter. No doubt there will be a discussion of several points in the Note, but we do not think Germany will find it unreasonable in principle. France, we imagine, will not press hardly on a bankrupt State when the time comes to discuss her expenses. But as the text has not yet been published officially, much less any official comment on it, it would be useless to discuss it fully at present.