On Thursday Mr. Chamberlain made his motion for a Select
Committee to inquire into recent events in South Africa. The reference ought, he agreed, to be as wide as possible, and therefore he gladly accepted the amendment of Sir William Harcourt, who wished the Raid to be specifically included. Mr. Dalziel demanded that the relations of the British authorities in South Africa with the Raid should also be in- cluded, but Mr. Chamberlain pointed out that this point was covered by the reference. In choosing the terms his object had been to make the reference as wide as possible. As we understand it the reference will now run :—" To inquire into the administration of the British South Africa Company and into the origin and circumstances of the incursion into the South African Republic by an armed force, and to report thereon ; and further to report what alterations are desirable in the government of the territories under the con-
trol of this Company. That the Committee have leave to hear counsel to such extent as they shall see fit, and have power to send for persons, papers, and records."