The Debate On The Third Reading, Which Was Not Forced
to a division, was a lively debate; the landlords opposing it because it was too much of a tenants' Bill, and Mr. Davitt opposing it because it was too much of a landlords'......
On Thursday Mr. Chamberlain Made His Motion For A Select
Committee to inquire into recent events in South Africa. The reference ought, he agreed, to be as wide as possible, and therefore he gladly accepted the amendment of Sir William......
There Are No Signs Of Improvement In The Cretan Situation.
A rumour is current that the Powers are proposing to under- take a blockade of the Cretan coasts in order to prevent the landing of arms and the consequent spread of the......
Mr. Chamberlain In The Course Of His Speech Declared That
personally he had been in favour of a Commission rather than a Committee. At the same time, there was much to be said in favour of a Committee, and the House generally seemed to......
The News From Macedonia Is Vague, But It Seems Ascer-
tained that the centre of disturbance is the Monastir district, which is on the Greek side, and that several bands of Greeks have entered Macedonia, some coming by sea and some......
During The Examination Of Lord Woleeley Before The Corn.
mission on the military and civil expenditure of India at the India Office on Wednesday, there was a very curious collision of opinion on the relation of India to England......
The Irish Land Bill Occupied Almost The Whole Of Tuesday
night on the Report stage—the new clauses, and the amend- ments—the House not adjourning till close upon five on Wednesday morning. The amendments were chiefly technical,......
Mr. Hodgson Pratt, The President Of The International...
and Peace Society, gave an account to the interviewer of the Daily Chronicle, printed in the impression of Thursday last, of his visit to Mr. Olney and President Cleveland on......