1 AUGUST 1896, page 3

On Sunday Last M. Hanotaux Made An Important Speech On

the Colonial policy of France,—the occasion for his discourse being the unveiling of a statue of M. Jules Ferry. The President of the Senate, the Prime Minister, and several......

The Times Of Saturday Last Contains An Interesting Tele-...

from Melbourne giving the substance of a statement in regard to the proposals for an Imperial Zollverein made by Mr. Reid, the Premier of New South Wales. After declaring that......

Yesterday Week Lord Rosebery Made A Rather Doleful Little...

at Epsom in opening formally a new technical institute and art school, on the singular economical errors of which we have commented sufficiently in another column. He appeared......

During The Examination Of Lord Woleeley Before The Corn.

mission on the military and civil expenditure of India at the India Office on Wednesday, there was a very curious collision of opinion on the relation of India to England......

The Amendment Directed Against The Second Reading Of The...

Railway Bill was rejected in the House of Commons on Monday night by a majority of 153 (239 to 86), and the Bill was then read a second time. Mr. Labouchere founded his......

Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.

New Consols (2!) were on Friday, 113-A—lic.......