The Grey Lady. By H. M. Seton. (smith And Elder.)—as
to the "grey lady" from whom the story takes its title, we are inclined to say with one of the characters, "We did not know that such women were." Anyhow she is not interesting,......
Rosalind : The Story Of Three Parrots. By Emily Marion
Harris. (George Redway.)—A good story, or, we should rather say, suc- cession of stories, somewhat spoilt by an occasional stiffness of style, especially noticeable when the......
Meleager And Other Poets Of Jacob's Anthology. Edited By...
Harberton. (J. Parker and Co.)—Viscount Harberton suggests "a new edition of Jacob's Anthology,' with improved text and commentary." The volume before us is described by him as......
Red Men And White. By Owen Wister. (osgood, Mcilvaine, And
Co.)—" These eight stories," says the author in his preface, are made from our Western Frontier as it was in a past as near as yesterday and almost as bygone as the Revolution."......
With Kelly To Chitral. By Lieutenant W. G. L. Beynon,d.s.o.
(E. Arnold.)—Lieutenant Beynon was Colonel Kelly's Chief of the Staff, indeed, the Staff itself, for the column which moved to the relief of Chitral Fort was not on a......
The Red Spell. By Francis Gribble. (archibald Constable.)...
a distinctly powerful story of the last days of the Commune. Ernest Durand, a Member of the Council of the Commune, is betrothed to a young Paritienne, Elise Rollin. He loves......
A Woman Intervenes. By Robert Barr. (chatto And Windus.)
—It is not once only that in Mr. Robert Barr's excellent story a woman intervenes." At first it is Miss Jennie Brewster, a young lady journalist attached to the staff of a New......