The Red Spell. By Francis Gribble. (Archibald Constable.) —This is
a distinctly powerful story of the last days of the Commune. Ernest Durand, a Member of the Council of the Commune, is betrothed to a young Paritienne, Elise Rollin. He loves her much, but he levee with a more passionate devotion the cause to which he has given himself, and this devotion is proof against even the horror which is roused in him by the crimes committed in the fury of despair, the murder of the hostages, for instance. The struggle in his mind, especially when he is wounded and brought back to health by his betrothed's minis- tration, is admirably described, while the fighting in the street and houses makes a very vigorous picture. Mr. Gribble knows his subject well, and has the power to do justice to it. We hope to see more work from his hand.