Mr. Simpson's lithographed designs in " Coliaaghi's Authentic Series" are already widely familiar ; but they are clever in addition to being opportune, and one may be pleased to look at them in a moderistelyssized volume, as well as to turnthem over in a large portfolio. This is whet • The Campaign in the Crimea: an Historical Sketch, by George Brackenbury, accompanied by forty double-tinted Plates, from Drawings taken on the spot bY William Simpson. Published by P. and D. Colnaghi. we are enabled to do by the book before us. The designs have been reduced by the original lithographers ; and a descriptive no- tice for each is written by Mr. Brackenbury, who supplies also an introductory account of the campaign. His late position as secretary at Kadikoi to the honorary agents of the Crimean Army Fund has not left many traces of personal experience in his narrative. He is indebted mainly to the correspondents of the Times and other journals, or to sources otherwise accessible ; the materials of which he delivers in rounded periods.