1 DECEMBER 1855, page 4


Sir James Anderson, Member for Dunfermline, has incurred the disappro- bation of his constituents. His chief offence seems to have been that he voted against Mr. Roebuck's......

Puffin Auk Tntuuial.

FRANCE.—The Emperor of the French has entertained his Royal guest the King of Sardinia after the approved fashion ; a visit to the Exhibi- tion, grand dinners at the Tuileries,......


A meeting of the Irish bar, attended by men of all parties, was held in the Library of the Four Courts on Tuesday, to consider the propriety of raising some testimonial to the......

Cdr Vraniurto.

Mr. Baines, having become a Cabinet Minister, has of course vacated' his seat for Leeds. In his address to the electors, claiming a renewal of their confidence, after briefly......