1 DECEMBER 1855, page 8

The Arago Arrived At Southampton Yesterday From New York...

ad- vices to the 17th. The Times prints conspicuously the following "de- spatch from Washington "— " The State Department has received by the Pacific a despatch from Mr........

Mr. Henley And Mr. Cardwell Had An Opportunity Of Addressing

some of their constituents on Thursday, at the annual dinner given to the re- tiring Mayor of Oxford. Mr. Cardwell, after placing the expenses of the war in a strong light—" it......

Tlie Eastern Counties Railway Report.

The publication of a report by a Special Committee of the Shareholders in the Eastern Counties Railway Company is a startling event in the railway world. The Committee was......


SATURDAY. The King of Sardinia arrived yesterday morning at Dover from Calais. He was received on landing by the naval and military authorities of the port ; and on entering the......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Funds have been buoyant this week, and without much in- terruption an improvement of 1 per cent has been established. Their chief......