1 DECEMBER 1855, page 19


On the 16th September, at Halifax, Nova Scotia, the Wife of Captain W. Hamilton Cox, R.A., of a daughter, which only survived a few hours. On the 1 9th November, at Bath, Lady......

Simphon's Crimean Campaign..

Mr. Simpson's lithographed designs in " Coliaaghi's Authentic Series" are already widely familiar ; but they are clever in addition to being opportune, and one may be pleased to......

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, Nov. 27. Partnerships Dissolved.-Becker and Co.; as far as regards L. M. Becker-Ste. phenson and Co. Blackburn, shuttle-makers; as far as regards R. Chippindale- Fisher......

Military Gazette.

WAR-OFFICE, Nov. 30.-Onoalry.-2d Regiment of Dragoon Guards-Brevet-Major H. Briscoe tobe Major, by purchase, vice Brevet-Lieut.-Col. P. Le P. Trench, who retires; Lieut. C. S.......