1 DECEMBER 1855, Page 8

The Arago arrived at Southampton yesterday from New York with

ad- vices to the 17th. The Times prints conspicuously the following "de- spatch from Washington "—

" The State Department has received by the Pacific a despatch from Mr.. Buchanan, unequivocally denying that he had made a tender of the sym- pathy of the United States in favour of the Allies. The Administration th- under no apprehensions of a rupture with England. The Secretary of the Navy withheld the instructions to Commodore Paulding until the arrival of the Pacific ; and, in consequence of the receipt of official intelligence from England, assuring our Government that the despatch of a British squadron. to the West India station has no reference to Central American matters, nor any object hostile to the United States, only one vessel of the home squa- dron will proceed to Nicaragua • that vessel being the flag-ship Potomac, with Commodore Paulding, in charge of the general interesta of the United States."