The London School Board elections of last week turned out
to be &virtual victory for the Progressives, though they just failed, chiefly from defective strategy, in giving a majority to the Progressives. Indeed, the Moderates still possess a majority of 3 on the new Board. In the City there was no change, but even there Miss Davenport-Hill, a Progressive, headed the poll, though three Moderates were returned as her colleagues. In Greenwich, also, there is no change, but the Progressives received more votes than the Moderates, in- stead of coming after them as at the last election. In South- wark a Moderate has taken the place of the Catholic priest, which is an advantage to the Moderates, as the Roman Catholic representative held aloof from the theological struggle, but
not a gain from the Progressives. In the Tower Hamlets, too, there is no change ; and the Moderate heads the poll,— the only Moderate who doer. The Progressives have lost no seats, and have gained one in Chelsea (where Mr. Riley comes in only at the bottom of the poll), one in Hackney, one in West Lambeth, one in Marylebone, and two in East Lam- beth,—or six seats in all. The total vote shows 817,632 for the Progressives, as against 671,731 for the Moderates, with a small scattered vote to Independents, Catholics and Socialists, none of whom succeeded. The highest vote polled for any individual candidate was polled in West Lambeth,—namely, 48,255 for Mr. Macnamara, Progressive ; and the next for Mr. Lyulph Stanley, who headed the poll in Marylebone with 47,480 votes. London has in effect given its vote both for less theology and for more expenditure on secular teaching.