1 DECEMBER 1894, page 17

We Wonder If Any One In Europe Is Able To

form a definite opinion as to the precise position of Li-Hung-Chang. The Viceroy of Chi-li has been for years Premier of the Empire, representative of Chinese as opposed to......

News Of The Week.

T " young Czar was married on Monday to the Princess Alix of Hesse with a ceremonial which, though restricted on account of the late Czar ' s recent death, was sufficiently......

The Absolute Secrecy Of The Japanese As To The Terms

they will demand is still noteworthy. Many observers believe that they will grant no peace until they have entered Pekin, while others believe that the difficulty is the amount......

For The

No. 3,466.] WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1894. [ E2019TEEED AO Al Pn/0111 sct. Hawse Amt. ) Br POST, M.......


The London School Board Elections Of Last Week Turned Out

to be &virtual victory for the Progressives, though they just failed, chiefly from defective strategy, in giving a majority to the Progressives. Indeed, the Moderates still......

The Chinese Have Had Another Knock-down Blow. Marshal...

his fifteen thousand Japanese have been steadily .creeping closer and ()loser to Port Arthur in two columns, oarrying the passes one by one, until, on the 20th ult., they were......

0 * * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...
