The Duke Of Devonshire Made A Remarkable Speech At...
on Tuesday in support of the new Unionist can& dates for the various divisions of Devonshire, which out of thir- teen Members at present returns a Unionist majority of only......
The Resolution Which The Radicals Are Going To Support In
their coming campaign against the House of Lords, calls upon. the Government to propose to the House of Commons the reso- lution to which Lord Rosebery referred in his speech at......
Mr. Bryce Made A Speech At Ipswich Yesterday Week On
the House of Lords question, from which it would appear that he is not at all desirous of any Second Chamber which should have authority to throw out legislation ; indeed, he......
Prince Bismarck, Who Is Now Eighty, Has Sustained A Blow
which will shake him much more than his removal from office. ' His wife, whom be married in July, 1847—more than forty- seven years ago—died on the 27th ult. of heart disease,......
The Minority On The School Board Are Not Improved In
their manners by their victory. The vote of thanks to Mr. Diggle for his ability and impartiality as chairman of the old Board should have been passed without a debate, and at......
Sir Charles Dfike's Speech At Tnnstall On Tuesday Against...
Rosebery, will delight Mr. Labouchere. Sir Charles Dilke protests vehemently, in the name of all the Radicals and all the Democrats, against the Reform of the House of Lords.......
The London School Board Elections Of Last Week Turned Out
to be &virtual victory for the Progressives, though they just failed, chiefly from defective strategy, in giving a majority to the Progressives. Indeed, the Moderates still......