Sir John Lubbock Delivered A Very Interesting Lecture...
week at the Working Men's College, on the senses and intelligence of animals, pointing out how little we really know of them, and how likely it is that the complex organs of......
The French Chamber Has, As Was Expected, Agreed To The
-war with Madagascar. The credits were passed last Saturday by a vote of 390 to 112, while a medium proposal by M, 'Boucher, to blockade instead of invading, was rejected by 381......
Cardinal Vaughan Is Treated As Almost Wanting In The Proper
deference due to English dignity, because, in a letter to a Spanish Archbishop, he appears to express his belief that England will still one day be converted to Roman......
Prince Bismarck, Who Is Now Eighty, Has Sustained A Blow
which will shake him much more than his removal from office. ' His wife, whom be married in July, 1847—more than forty- seven years ago—died on the 27th ult. of heart disease,......
The Temper Of The Boers In The Transvaal Is Growing
more bitter. They have just forbidden the use of English in Parliamentary discussions, and a league has been formed to restrain the " foreigners " from further aggression. They......
The Connection Of The Bank Of England With The Liquidation
cf the Baring estates has ended, and the guarantors are released from further liability. The remaining debt to the . Bank, £1,500,000, has been paid, and the assets taken over......
On Tuesday, Mr. Alfred Milner Delivered At Toynbee
every interesting lecture on the man from whom that hall has been named,—we mean Mr. Arnold Toynbee, of whom many find a very effective picture in the Sir. Malin of Mrs. Humphry......
Paris Has A New Scandal. Two Or Three Editors Are
accused -of direct blackmailing,—that is, demanding money from clubs and individuals, by threats of denouncing them for gambling, and of publishing their biographies as kept in......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent. New Consols (g) Were On
Friday, 103k.......