1 FEBRUARY 1908, Page 1

Parliament was opened by the King in person on Wednesday.

The Speech from the Throne, after refer- ences to the Convention with Russia and the Treaty for preserving the integrity of Norway, deals with the Hague Conference, and expresses approval of its acceptance of the great principle of an International Court of Appeal in prize cases. The Government are considering the summoning of a Confer- ence of the maritime Powers in London, with a view to an understanding on certain points of international law for the guidance of the Court. The condition of Macedonia shows no improvement, but Britain has made proposals to the Sultan, and also to the Powers, for dealing with the principal causes of the disturbance. The Government are fully aware of the great anxiety felt in regard to the Congo State. Their sole desire is to see that State humanely administered in accord- ance with the spirit of the Berlin Act. Negotiations are proceeding between the Sovereign of the Congo and the Belgian Government, which it is trusted will secure that object. Negotiations are also taking place with the United States with a view to referring to the Hague Tribunal the questions involved in the Newfoundland fisheries. The difficulty between Japan and Canada has been settled by an Agreement between the respective Governments.