1 FEBRUARY 1908, page 24

Christianity And The Social Order. By R. J. Campbell, M.a.

(Chapman and Hall. 62.)—Mr. Campbell begins with giving his readers his reading of the Gospel story. The Jesus whom he pictures for us is not the Christ of the Creeds, or, as......

The Factory And Shop Acts Of The British Dominions. Compiled

by Miss Violet B. Markham. With General View of the English Law by Mrs. J. H. Tennant. (Eyre and Spottiswoode. 2s. 6d. net.)—The "English Law" is a very complicated business......

The Appearances Of Our Lord After The Passion. By Henry

Barclay Swete, D.D. (Macmillan and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—This " Study in the Earliest Christian Tradition" has all the characteristics of thoroughness, moderation, and candour which......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been roomed for review in other forms.1 Sixty Years of Protection in Canada. By Edward Porritt. (Macmillan and......

The Speculator. By The Author Of "the Soul Market." (t.

Werner Laurie. 6s.)—We find it hard to take much interest in a book in which the heroine, in order to make money for her absent husband, actually assumes male attire and goes......

Mother Of Au Churches. By The Rev. F. G. Cole.

(Skeffington and Son. 39. 6d. net.)—Mr. Cole's" Brief and Comprehensive Handbook of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church" is a book which may be read with great advantage. He is, it......

The Adventures Of Count O'connor. By Henry Stace. (alston...

6s.)—This book deals with the adventures of an Irish gentleman in the seventeenth century at the Court of the Great Mogul. Though it cannot be called in any way an imitation of......

Ricadable Novels.—stubble Before The Wind. By Mrs....

Long. 6s.)—A collection of short stories, most of them with a psychical tinge.—Sandy Car. michael. By Cutcliffe J. Hyne. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co. 6s.)—A book of adventures......