Mother of AU Churches. By the Rev. F. G. Cole.
(Skeffington and Son. 39. 6d. net.)—Mr. Cole's" Brief and Comprehensive Handbook of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church" is a book which may be read with great advantage. He is, it is true, partibus Orientalibus non iniquas. He does not deny that the Church holds Transubstantiation in its most definite form, but he seeks to minimise the authority of the Synod of Jerusalem,— " legislation in a temper" is the phrase which he uses. He allows that the adoration of the Virgin is even more extravagant than that of Rome, but has an apology for this also ; it is the excess of the virtue of belief in the Incarnation. Still, he does not shrink from telling the truth, and his aspirations for reunion are limited by a sense d what is practicable. We are not sure whether he would give up the Thirty-nine Articles if that would bring peace; but he does not favour anything like unconditional surrender. That the Eastern Church has preserved primitive ways and
habits of thought more faithfully than has been done anywhere in the West is patent enough. But this is a proof that if we could go back to the primitive models, it would not be well to do so. As for reunion, any alliance that should not include the non-episcopal Communions would be a disaster. Meanwhile we may most profitably encourage kindly thought and sympathy.