1 FEBRUARY 1908, page 2

The Latter Part Of The Speech Deals With Home Affairs,

and begins by stating that proposals will be brought forward for making a better provision for old age, and that legislation with that object will be submitted. The following is......

In The House Of Lords The Address Was Moved And

seconded by Lords Airedale and Nunburnholme. We wish we had space to deal at length with Lord Lansdowne's admirable speech, and will only say here that it showed all those high......

In The House Of Commons Mr. Lehmann And Mr. Howell

Davies moved and seconded the Address. Mr. Balfour's speech, though an excellent example of Opposition leadership, and doubtless most effective in the House of Commons, was, we......

Parliament Was Opened By The King In Person On Wednesday.

The Speech from the Throne, after refer- ences to the Convention with Russia and the Treaty for preserving the integrity of Norway, deals with the Hague Conference, and......

The Chancellor Of The Exchequer, Who Replied For The...

though admitting that in certain parts of Ireland there were disquieting features, and though declaring that he did not minimise or palliate them, insisted that the language......

We Have Dealt With The General Parliamentary Position...

must repeat here that the essential feature of the situation is the fact that the Government are, in effect, proposing not only to place this year upon the taxpayer an......

The Labour Party's Amendment Expressing Regret At The...

any reference to unemployment in the King's Speech was moved on Thursday evening by Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, who took the line that unemployment was a proof of the failure of the......

Mr. Austen Chamberlain And Mr. Chaplin Repeated The...

in favour of Tariff Reform as the only cure of unemployment, and Mr. Harold Cox exposed the Socialist fallacies in a speech full of dry light. Mr. Philip Snowden, like the other......