1 FEBRUARY 1908, page 3

On Saturday Last Canon Beeching Preached A Sermon At The

consecration of the Bishop of Chichester in Westminster Abbey, which is reported in full in Wednesday's Guardian,— a sermon which should be studied by all liberal Churchmen.......

Tuesday's Times Contains An Admirable Letter On Simple...

the Bishop of Carlisle. The religious instruction given under the Cowper-Temple Clause, whether tested by syllabus or examination or the effect on character, is, declares the......

The Duty Of Trade-union Leaders At This Juncture,...

Maddison, is clearly to dissolve the alliance with outside political parties. "The majority of the members of the Trade- Unions are Liberals and Tories, the Socialists being a......

The Statistical Return Of The Voluntary Offerings Of The...

of England for the year ending Easter, 1907, has just been issued by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. In order to guard against duplication, a twofold division is......

The Government Suggested That, Pending The Report Of The...

Commission on Poor Law, the present Act dealing with unemployment should be continued, and that in the meantime they should continue, not to waste money, but to give it to the......

The Daily Chronicle Has Published Several Valuable...

of Trade-Unionism and Co-operation on the situation created by the Socialist resolution passed at Hull. Both Mr. Richard .Bell, M.P., secretary to the Amalgamated Society of......

Mr. Austen Chamberlain And Mr. Chaplin Repeated The...

in favour of Tariff Reform as the only cure of unemployment, and Mr. Harold Cox exposed the Socialist fallacies in a speech full of dry light. Mr. Philip Snowden, like the other......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.

Jan. 23rd. Consols (2i) were on Friday 86i—on Friday week 85i.......